Our Wedding

Our Wedding
First Dance

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Well, it has been a long time since I did an update...since we are starting to fund raise for making our dream of being parents happen, I thought I should do an update! Since my last post, we had more testing and the 3 rounds of Femara with the trigger shot...those did help with ovulation but did not result in a pregnancy. We had a meeting with our fertility specialist after the third round to see where to go from there. With all of our other testing coming out with no problems at all, our doctor was surprised that we still were not pregnant. He suggested that our next step be in vitro fertilization (IVF). We also discussed intra uterine insemination (IUI), but he only gave a 20% chance of conceiving with this. With IVF he said about 60%. Both of those numbers scared us a little, coupled with the cost for these procedures. We had talked about adoption before but really wanted a child of our own, we thought we would try IVF, but would need to save money!

Fast forward to Mother's day this year...I was at work, but Trav was off so he went to church. They were doing baby dedications and had a special dedication of an older child (maybe 7 years old?) that had been adopted. At that point, Trav said he felt like adoption was the direction we needed to go. As many of you probably can guess, adoption is quite expensive. We have decided to go with domestic adoption, and really prefer to adopt a newborn.

So we are finally starting our fund raising efforts to be able to make this dream a reality. We are starting a laundry detergent and fabric softener fundraiser. We are very excited to start this process, but are also nervous! We appreciate any prayers and good thoughts you can provide!


Natoshia (&Trav)